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i took some picture the other day. i’m sorry i haven’t been posting much.

“a thing of beauty is a joy forever, it will never pass into nothingness.”

so far, i’ve found this is the best type of exfoliation.

i went to the nature preserve with my extended, slightly dysfunctional chyler family : )


fairy land.

climbing in the tree : ) ah norah


on sunday, (…i’m blogging a lot!! paha) we woke up and cooked food before we went to church. check out the pjs! : ) i was thankfully behind da camera..

[my belly is full of rolls.] after church we had scrumptious food.

and pie : )

good day. kudos to the cooks!

favorite day; not stop snow in dallas??

my cute sis(:

my cute snowman(:

it is fall. i have a little book that i wrote lists in..just random lists, for instance “sound i like.” one of those sounds is leaves. wind in leaves, falling leaves, crunching leave, rustling leaves. what about painting leaves? (love at first sight)


this is from may, but today is a reminiscing kind of day. because i wish for this kind of peace again…

outside with tea and ginger 27th


Dancing to the beatles. The life around me has been so bitter sweet lately, and I want to share it with you.  I started work at the pool early mornings again, and while I am getting paid again, and getting tanner (is that possible?) it is draining and upon returning home every day my voice is almost gone. I have a couple funny stories to tell however. I asked one of my kids (that I teach, not that I gave birth to) how old they thought I was. He answered after some consideration that he thought I was 37. After laughing some and saying he was a little off he guessed 35. I’m pretty sure I do not look that old…

I went to a scrumptious place called Yogurtland with my friend Tina.  If you come visit me we are going there. There is nothing bitter about that sweet friend.

I am trying to go and visit my best friend, Em, who lives in Austin sometime in August. I haven’t seen her in a year and a half, and I miss her painfully. But we stay in contact. Blessed emails, phonecalls, texts.

There was a graduation of some sort where some really unique people that have touched me (though they may not know it) finished up the year they were in Texas and went back to their homes. I know that though they are not here physically and may never come back, they will always be here in their hearts. One of those students are staying two weeks after their year was over; and they are staying in my bedroom. It is a good interesting. :)

I went to the mall, bought a dress, saw a movie, talked with my friend Elsie. I need to find a different word to describe good. Agreeable, pleasant, memorable, genuine.

Today, I went to church wearing my new dress. Had a wonderful baked chicken lunch. (be jealous of my mom’s cooking!) Best of all, was told that I was beautiful, smart, and wonderfully weird by a special person.

Off to the library!

P.S. I want to let you know that you are making me break one the ten commandments, I COVET your comments.

This is the second day of my new job…

The dot dot dot meaning that it has been ok, and it has been hard, and hot, and it has been tiring. I am a bright noticable shade different than I used to be, and I think all of the muscles in my right arm have turned into jelly from picking up kids over and over. I am really tired and not really used to getting up at 6am everymoring, to have nothing but sun and loud noises (mainly screaming) at the time I am usually having some nice waking up, making breakfast, hot tea, and sweats. My mornings have turned into early moring tylonal, bagel, sunscreen, tight swimsuit, whistles blowing, screaming, splashing, and freezing cold water. But I am slowly loving it more and more because of little kids that give you a hug and co-operate. Barely. I did fall in love with a 5 year old down syndrome boy I am teaching. He is just beautiful; blonde hair, tan, big blue eyes. He jumps off the side of the 3ft and says, “Save me!” in his adorable husky voice. His name is Braidy.

Anyways. Ouch. My back is a crisp red despite having put sunscreen on every thirty minutes.

someone said that tea was a spiritual thing. i agree.


“June loved to tease August about the way she pondered things, how one minute she was talking to you and the next she had slipped into a private world where she turned her thoughts over and over, digesting stuff most white people would choke on. I wanted to say, ‘Teach me how to do that. Teach me how to take all this in.’ ”

There is so much to take in. I want to sit down and observe it flashing by; I want to watch it in slow motion to I can appreciate all of the moments that I missed when my eyes were blinking. Have you ever thought about that, thought about the moments that went by when you blinked?

I take for granted to many things; one thing being my sisters. I’ve never realised what a close relationship I have with them and how special they are. They each have their own talents and perspectives and quirks and habits. Some are good at finding things, and some are not. Some remember, some are stubborn (all of us are stubborn) and some are nerdy. I love them that way.

I love the book, The Secret Life of Bees, one of many reasons being because it describes the beautiful relationship sisters can have. Of course this book is not for everyone. Many books I love other people think are not worth it or worldy (is there a better way to describe it?). It depends on the person’s perspective on different issues and their heart.

Recently Life has been flashing by before me and I struggle to keep up. My best friend graduated on saturday and summer has started and my sister Amy is here and will leave on Wednesday. She is staying a second year at the internship and by the time she is home and living at home again I will be graduated and possible going to college? Sad? Incredibly.

Even though I want to take things in deeper and look at them from every possibly angle I don’t want to over think anything to wrong-ness. Especially my best friend leaving for college or my sister being gone for so long. God has a plan for them; he has a plan for me; not to harm me (or possible, depress and sadden my heart?) but to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future.

I want to ruminate verses like that that so clearly speak peace to my natural worrying-ness.

So before I (or instead off) crying about heavy sad things, here are some pictures I took of my lovelies. Contemplate. Appreciate. Take pictures of your lovelies.



ams spinning; her dress is from israel, along with her shoes and her earrings.



my photography sis, els.




this scarf is from jerusalem from my sis, ams.


p.s. don’t you love the green-ness of the grass? it astounds me and I can’t stop taking pictures of it. this is really in my back yard and I didn’t edit it. yum.

i got all my prints from costco the other day…

i took a self portrait and something artsy of myself every day we were gone.






